El dia 26 fuimos a casa de los papas de James Lambert, el misionero valiente que enseno y bautizo a Marisol en octubre del 1998. Estabamos muy felices verlo ya que papa tambien vivio en la misma casa que el por un tiempo en la mision. Es una persona muy positiva y concentrada en la vida. Vive ahora en Iowa estudiando y ensenando el Ingles en la Universidad de Iowa. Tiene ya dos hijos y uno mas viene en camino. Ya van dos veces que lo visitamos y su mama se pone muy contenta cuando vamos porque sabe que su hijo ayudo en la conversion de Marisol. Papa tambien recordo unos tiempos excelentes de la mision.
lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008
Navidad en Pinetop y Mesa
Este ano fue muy diferente que los primeros cuatro de nuestra familia. Ahora estuvimos en los Estados Unidos alrededor de la cultura americana en vez de la mexicana. Extranamos a los familiares y amigos en Tampico y Reynosa mucho y deseamos verlos pronto el ano que viene. Abrimos regalos aqui en Pinetop el 23 y salimos en la tarde para Mesa con los abuelitos. Habia nevado bastante la noche anterior y Evan grande tuvo que mover la nieve con una pala ancha para dejar paso libre a la camioneta. Pero llegamos sin problemas y festejamos con una cena mexicana en casa de un tio. Aqui hay unas fotos y videos de la Navidad.
domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008
Grandpa's birthday party
The first week of December Grandpa Vance was here in the white mountains and we had him over for three nights. It was great to have him here and spend time with everybody. The last day he was here it happened to be his birthday so we went to "El Rancho", a mexican food restaurant across the street. We told them it was his birthday and they sang to him, took his picture with a sombrero on his head and gave him some fried ice cream. We also made him two different cakes here in our house and here is a picture of him blowing out candles with the kids.
Thanksgiving day
Fuimos a Mesa de nuevo para el dia de accion de gracias a comer pavo, pure de papa, pay y mucho mas. Nos divertimos mucho, empezando con el viaje porque no falto que una hora antes de salir de Pinetop, empezo a nevar y el camino resulto muy resbaloso. Solo tuvimos un espanto cuando un carro se deslizo enfrente de nosotros y apenas pudimos parar antes de pegarlo. Despues de ese momento, Evan papa manejo con mucha mas precaucion. Bueno aqui esta un video de la nieve al comenzar el viaje.
domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008
Pinetop's First Snow Fall 2008
After visiting with the Home Teachers tonight we all left the house to say goodbye and the ground was all white. It was a sight for two people from hot places. We (I) were so excited we had to get our winter clothes on and play for a while even though it was dark. Evancito didn't want to get dressed and go outside but when it was time to go in had to force him in. He really loved picking up the snow and throwing it (Dad taught him of course). We're hoping it snows so much that a bridge is created to get us to Veteran's day without having to cross school grounds.
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
Ok, now for the most recent happening, Halloween. Evan was Batman and Jacob a Dinosaur. We made a Jack-o-lantern for family night at the beginning of the week and then went to the church parking lot where the two wards there organized a "Trunk or Treat" for kids to go around the church picking up their goodies. We only had to be there for a half hour but got lots of candy for these kids.
Aqui hay fotos del Halloween. Esperamos que les gusten. Evan es Batman y Jacobito un dinosaurio. Fuimos a recoger dulces de muchas familias en la iglesia. Asi era mas rapido que ir de casa en casa pidiendo. Fue divertido y a los ninos les encanto.
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008
Visit to Woodland Lake
After a first three days of teaching Spanish at the high school, we went to Woodland Lake on Saturday to enjoy the nice surroundings in Pinetop-Lakeside, where we now live. We didn't know where to go when we left the house, but didn't have to look too long for Woodland Lake road which lead us right to the lake. After leaving, we realized the lake is only a half-mile from our house! Here are a few pictures and videos of our day there.
jueves, 17 de julio de 2008
Jacob's standing now
Jacob is getting bigger everyday and now is standing up with the help of a couch. He only stands without moving his feet. But it was so cute we had to take a short video of it. Jacob esta creciendo todos los dias y ahora se puede parar con el apoyo de un mueble. No mueve sus pies todavia cuando esta parado. Pero era muy lindo y tuvimos que hacer un video pequeno. Saludos a todos.
domingo, 29 de junio de 2008
Jacob's first teeth
Jacob has been getting some new teeth lately and has been learning how to support himself on his feet. Here is a picture of his new smile.
A Jacobito se le estan creciendo algunos dientes nuevos que embellezen su sonrisa. Tambien esta empezando a pararse en la andadera. Aqui tenemos una foto de el. Anexamos un video tambien.
domingo, 15 de junio de 2008
Day at Disneyland
Fuimos a Disneylandia la primera semana de Junio por un día completo. Subimos a muchos juegos como Dumbo, Star Tours y varias montañas rusas. Aquí hay unas fotos que tomamos allí. Esperamos que les guste y pongan sus comentarios para saber quién las vio. Les amamos mucho a todos en Tampico y Reynosa.
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008
Our Last Day in Reynosa
We had our last day in Reynosa on Tuesday May 13th. We had just returned from visiting Tampico and had dinner with our friends the Gonzalez family. Here is a video of us at their house before eating. Most of it's in Spanish so be ready! After eating, we went to Marisol's cousin's home to pay them a last visit and spend the night before our long trip to Mesa. Joel...quisiera haber hecho unrecuerdo de ese día con ustedes supongo que estábamos ya muy cansados. Ya sabes que los apreciamos mucho.
sábado, 10 de mayo de 2008
Mother's Day in Mexico (May 10th)
On Saturday, May 10th we celebrated Mother's Day going to Marisol's Grandmother's house in Tampico. We ate tamales and listened to a trio of guitarists sing for an hour. It was a good experience to have just before going over to the U.S.A. We'll probably be there on May 14th or 15th because we have to wait until Monday to get a part in the van changed. Here are some pictures of today's get together.
jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008
Ward Farewell
On Tuesday we went to a farewell party our ward put together for us. There were about 40 people there and there was a short program. Members were invited to share their thoughts and wishes for us. Some thanked Marisol for her good attitude and example she gave and said they were going to miss her a lot. A sister thanked me (evan grande) for getting her grandson interested in coming to church and having his white shirt and tie ready (I gave classes to Valients a few weeks). About 8 people shared some things about us and then Marisol and I got up and it was our turn. We said we had learned a lot from being in the ward and we would take the best of our experiences with us to Arizona. Even though its not exactly the safest city in the world, we believe the Lord brought us there for a good reason. We hope to be in Arizona before the 15th.
miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008
We can all cross now!!!
On March 31st, of the year 2008 AD, Marisol Vance was presented with an official instrument which is to be exercised for purposes of navigation to and from the United States of America.
Ok, I'll write normal now. After a long, long day of standing out in the sun for 6 hours, they finally called Marisol's name and she was interviewed and deemed worthy of (sorry) her visa to work and live in the USA. YYYeeeessss!!!!!!!
Special thanks to: Thomas D. Vance, Cheryl Vance, Mercedes, the kids, her interviewer, Marisol, and i guess me too (big Evan). Here's a short video, hope you like it! And some pictures.
P.S. We just went all together for the first time to McAllen, Texas to Target and Taco Bell. Here are Marisol's words...Marisol, write something -- Now I feel free to go to the States without any worries and I can't wait to begin living there with all the family in Arizona.
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008
Little Evan's Birthday Party
Yesterday we had Evan's birthday party at Grandma Sanchez's house. It was a fun one. Evan had a Train Pinata and got lots of toys. He blew out the candle all by himself. His real birthday is the 28th, but we had the party earlier because we'll be going to Ciudad Juarez on that day. Here are some pictures and video of the party and of the Ocampo family.
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2008
Tampico trip
On Friday, March 14th, we left Reynosa at 11:00 pm and arrived after traveling all night through fog to Tampico, Marisol's hometown. We were able to leave the kids with Grandma Sanchez and go through a session at the temple. We went to the beach and to Dairy Queen for some treats. Here is a picture of us with Grandma in her house.
jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008
Chef Evancito
Today (Thursday March 6th), Little Evan and Mom cooked "Milanesas de Res" (it's breaded steak) for the sister missionaries. They are scheduled to eat lunch at our house on Thursdays this month. Dad has to eat at work (in the Maquiladora) in the cafeteria so he didn't enjoy lunch as much as everyone else. Right now it's 9:30 pm and luckily there was one milanesa left so mom cooked it up for dad, YES!
Fast Sunday Baptism
On Sunday, March 2nd the sister misionaries had asked me to perform the baptism of 6 new members. One of them was baptized before church and the other five were baptized after church. The mission president has counseled his missionaries to baptize on Sunday because the members just can make it during the week. Here's a picture of Evan grande and the baptism after church.
sábado, 16 de febrero de 2008
Valentine's Day
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008
A real fireside!
Tonight we all went to the mutual activity with the young men of our ward at the church. We made a small fire and roasted marshmellows. I taught them how to make s'mores and we played soccer. Little Evan had a blast and mom sat and talked with the wife of the 1st counselor in the Bishopric. Here's a picture of us by the fire (Jacob's behind the camera).
miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008
Jacob is now an American!
Today, February 6th, 2008 we went to the American Consulate in Matamoros, Mexico to get Jacob's (4 months old now) certificate of birth abroad. It's about an hour's drive and we ate at Pollo Feliz after the appointment. It's just another step in getting everything ready for our return to the states. Oh yeah, and coming back listening to the radio we heard that Marion is out and Shaq is in. What the heck? Shocking but also interesting. I'll be tuned in as always.
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